A blog to nurture the poetic spirit in a supportive and inspired way. All poets are welcome

Archive for the ‘Goal’ Category


The choices for the Beautiful Blooms are in, so without further ado, here are the selections:

Marie Elena’s choice:

My choice for this week is Plays (Well) with Others, by Nancy Posey. This poem is trademark Nancy, penned with her usual class and grace. The goal speaks to my own heart, and may be taken literally and/or figuratively, I believe. The use of music to convey community is insightful, pleasing, and effective. Delightful!

Plays (Well) with Others
By Nancy Posey

No more playing alone for me.
Certainly I’ll still practice,
chasing up and down the scales,
arpeggios, finding chords all up
and down the neck of my mandolin,
but from now on, I’m with the band.
I’d rather play rhythm, chopping
in the back, than play a solo,
finding the melody alone in my room.

A social creature, I long to meld
into the music, that perfect blend
of harmony, tuning my ear to find
the notes, to play along, perhaps
a little improvisation along the way,
picking up the melody now and then.
Listening is no longer enough for me.
I long to return to the time when all
were expected to sing or play
or dance along, one body, many parts.

Walt’s favorite bloom:

In keeping with the theme of “Go For The Gold”, this piece reminds me of life as a marathon race, run over the course of 15 years. Perseverance and determination read through rather clearly with the goal being able to do enough good things to ingrain oneself into the memories of those left behind when our race is run. Well written and expressed takes my honor.

By VivInFrance

Fifteen years ago
my only goal was to survive
first heart attack,
and then survive again.
Smaller goals
first time outside
but just for the ride home
then walking, fifty yards,
a hundred, a kilometre –
it was extremely hard, but I won.

Little by little,
my strength regained,
other goals intervened
and were achieved.
Quilts were planned
cut and stitched, quilted and bound
Each stage a tiny target –
hung on the wall, exhibited,
laid on a bed, or sent to friends.

Eight years ago
my hardest goal –
adventure into academe
on-line study, degree my aim.
The friends I made,
virtual and in the flesh,
new habits formed –
research, draft, edit, refresh –
all were part of my achievement

One year ago
at seventy-two,
my goal was reached –
what now should I do,
what new goalposts put in place?
To stay as fit as possible,
to struggle up the hill.
To write at least one poem every day,
to publish, to be read,
so that when I’m gone,
there will be something left
to show that I was here.

Congratulations to Nancy Coats Posey and VivInFrance, our Beautiful blooms for Week #13.

GO FOR THE GOLD – Prompt #13

The recent events surrounding the U.S. Women’s Soccer team has opened us up to a very direct pursuit with much of our lives, including our poetry. The first big story of the tournament was the amazing goal scored to put the team into contention for the cup. The second story was the rise of the Japan Women’s team to defeat the U.S. squad, causing them to fall short of their goal. What goals do you set for yourself? How often do you achieve them? Is it the effort that stands out for you, or is it all about the glory? What’s your story?

The prompt for week #13 is to write a goal-oriented poem. It could be your crowning achievement to date, or the never say die spirit that keeps you in the game. Go for poetic gold.

Marie Elena’s goal poem:

Introspective Perspective

my prospective objective
and selective directive,
though defective, were effective.

Walt’s Shot at the target:


Hand steady,
you scope straight and true.
You pull your string taut,
your arrow quivers with the
tension your hand provides.
There is no such thing
as aiming too high.
Glad for the opportunity
to give it your best shot,
whether you hit it or not,
the prize lies in having
a goal in the first place.
Never meant to be a race,
just a leisure walk from birth
until the end of the day.